Russia's stand about Ukraine
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Russia's stand about Ukraine Some questions
How is it possible that Russia didn't see the putsch in Kiev coming when in fact it was prepared by the Americans for a long time ago ?
Why did Putin ask the East of Ukraine not to go ahead with the independence referendum, pulling apart the strategic region of Kharkov from the two others seeking to move away from Kiev ?
Why is there no Russian intervention after military operations that amount to an ethnic cleansing in Odessa and in the East?
Why are Russian politicians trying so much to justify themselves to the West ? Why do they go on saying they want good relations with the West while the contrary is not true?
Is the integration of Crimea into Russia such a big deal, a victory ?
Which way things will go from here ?
We will try to answer those questions
To be able to do this, we have to go back to the basis of the modern Russian society
Marx made a thorough analysis of capitalism but only took into account production and finance without considering psychological mechanisms or influence of civilization on people's behavior. He couldn't know something that psychoanalysis discovered more than 50 years later.
Lenin, main founder of the Russian communist party, claimed that the problems discovered by psychoanalysts were bourgeois problems that did not affect the working class. One consequence of his way of thinking is that since any human action in the economy is supposed to be based upon finding an answer to problems related to survival, men and women should have the same kind of motivations. In this way he cut the relation between the biological differences between man and woman from the way they behave. Both were supposed to act according to the needs related to the survival instinct. It is on this theory of Marxism-Leninism that the communist party of Russia has been founded. If Marx can be considered the best analyst of his time, the same can not be said of Lenin that was more of an ideologist.
Russian culture is related to the Christian civilization founded on the idea of a God that exists by himself without any relation to whatsoever or any dependence on the outside world. According to this philosophy, God created man in his own image with a soul which also exists without dependence on the outside world included the biological body used for a while, man or woman. Russian communism has been founded on the western civilization and is totally different from Chinese communism. Western management and method of analysis are based upon elements while Asian methods are based on relations. (more info : Description
of the method of analysis)
The main consequence of this is that “normal human beings” are supposed to act according to an intelligent understanding of the economy, of the world around them. The study of human motivation made by psychoanalysis shows this to be totally false, disconnected from the real world.
Education under the leadership of the communist party has been based upon social behavior and not direct experience of the real world. This type of education links words with emotions (same as in the West...) . The analysis of the real world does not exists since the «right system» is in place and the right theory taught. You only have to follow what the hierarchy tells you to enjoy a nice life. Why trying to analyze the way the system works? If there are problems it can only be because people are not making the right thing, disturbing society. You only have to crush this type of behavior and everything will work fine. This way, people do not learn to analyze in the real world everything around them but get an emotional and intellectual or rather ideological view of the world.
The main discovery of psychoanalysis is that a conflict between the survival instinct and the sexual instinct (larger than just reproduction) will create a repression of the anxiety (created by this conflict) in the unconscious. The resulting partial repression of sexuality will lead to a transfer of the sexual energy to a need for more material goods, to an overconsumption without direct relation to the real biological needs, even worse, to their detriment (for instance too much food, alcohol, stress, perilous driving...). You also need to know that this type of conflict creates a much stronger anxiety among women than men. This is a very simplified explanation but you need to remember that those repressed fears may become stronger than the survival instinct if material conditions are not too hard. It is for this reason that anorexia may lead people to die even when there is a large quantity of very delicious food around them.
American and Russian way to analyze this type of problems are similar and consider this kind of behavior as a «biological sickness». But there is a very big difference between them because, on the American side, the real reason is that with psychoanalysis pharmaceutical corporations would not make a lot of money, while on the Russian side they really believe in it. The American secret services in charge of population manipulation know the existence of those psychological mechanisms and use them on a large scale. On the Russian side those mechanisms are totally ignored. Most Russians believe in the picture presented by the American side without understanding the hidden agenda. This is the result of «Leninism»
An other consequence of this conflict repressed in the unconscious is the creation of a guilty feeling which results in a quest for more and more social recognition. Again this is even more pronounced in women. It is in those psychological mechanisms that are founded the social forces leading to a transition from an economy based upon industrial development and technological progress toward a consumption economy. The result of which was the transition from Russian communism to western style neocapitalism and the end of the USSR.
The difference between Russian style communism and capitalism is that communism put an end to the economical cyclical crises and unemployment. The buying power was sufficient for all products to be sold. People, having a lot of money in their pocket were often in front of partially empty shelves. As western shopping center were full of various products, they were thinking capitalism works better because it is able to fill the shops and shelves.
They did not understand that in the capitalist world, shelves are well-stocked only because people do not have enough money to buy all products. By giving a buying power lower than the price of what is sold in the shops, there are obviously always some products remaining in the shelves. That's why even in the capitalist countries where many people are living in abject misery, shops and shelves are still relatively well-stocked. On top of that, the increased wealth coming to the West from the exploitation of third world countries has not even been considered. Of course this has been explained in the USSR but people have been thinking this is theory without relation to daily life...
The population of the communist countries began to dream of what they would do with their money in shopping centers similar to those in the West. They didn't want to understand that the first consequence of the transition to capitalism will be that they will loose their buying power. No more pockets full of money... That is why today, despite the fact that a large part of the population live in very poor conditions, shops and shelves are now well-stocked in the ex-communist countries. Why didn't communist leaders explain this which is after all the most basic part of a Marxist analysis would you say? Well they explained it, but without success, because people do not react according to an objective analysis of the world around them but according to what they feel and this is a mix of biological instincts and fairly complex psychological mechanisms. The refusal to take into account those type of mechanisms is what lead to the end of the USSR.
Anyway in the USSR, there was not an in-depth challenge of the system as far as ecology, relations between psychological mechanisms and education, culture, motivations, overconsumption were concerned. They didn't try to replace money by something else as a means of exchange. The USSR put an end to cyclical crisis in the economy as well as to unemployment and replaced the domination of capitalists by the domination of an other social class. This should have been well enough would you say ? Well, it looks like this was not so.
Little by little, at every step up the social ladder more and more people have been looking to increase their buying power, their consumption level more than to increase the industrial or technological basis. This was the basis for a widening corruption from top to bottom of the society.
As more and more people were thinking capitalism is more efficient in increasing the consumption level, a whole tendency was developing in favor of moving to capitalism from the bottom of society up to higher level. Some of the leaders used this to increase their own power up to the point of «privatizing» the industry they were managing, becoming “oligarch”.
This has not been the result of a state coup by dark forces but the unavoidable long term consequences of Lenin decisions. Women have suffered the most. The craving for more consuming goods exacerbated by the psychological problems created by the Russian social system drove them even more than men to ask for the transition to capitalism. But they were the one to suffer the most after it. There was a weak attempt to stop this but the result of it was the putsch made by Boris Yeltsin against Gorbachev and, later, against the Russian parliament
The lack of direct “confrontation” with the real world has resulted in the population of the eastern communist countries living in a kind of bubble, where words have a theoretical signification linked to emotions. People were thinking that they didn't enjoy the “American dream” only because communism is not working and that switching to capitalism would allow them to consume as much as they wanted. They didn't want to hear about any relations between production and consumption. After the transition to capitalism, the situation was even worse than before? It must be because Russian leaders are stupid, migrating to the Commun Market would solve the problem! It didn't worked? Well, let's go to the States!
Studying the events before the second world war will allow us to draw a parallel between the situation now and those events. An in-depth analysis of the psychological motivations of the German and west European population made it possible to forecast before 1932 that Hitler would take over Germany and start a major war in Europe. This kind of analysis was made by Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian doctor and psychoanalyst, and published in 1932 in Copenhagen (Denmark) under the title “The mass psychology of fascism”. From 1938 on, it was not possible to have any doubt any more. It means the leaders of the USSR should have known this. Counterattacking with a good analysis of the involved psychological mechanisms would possibly have allowed them to redirect against other countries the German thirst for a war. At worst, when the port of Dunkerke was surrounded by the Germans, attacking Germany in the East would have quickly ended the war with very limited casualties. What did Stalin and his government do ? They waited for the Germans to dramatically increase their fighting power thanks to the industry of the occupied countries. On top of that they left their army totally unprepared to face the aggression “by surprise” which was the cause of absolutely enormous losses.
There should be no reason to commemorate the Russian victory in second World War. Nobody should be proud of 25 millions deaths caused by the incompetence of the leaders. The Russian ministers where thinking that the German government knew the heavy industry of the USSR was more powerful than that of Germany, that as Germany was lacking sufficient natural resources the German leaders would avoid a war with such a large country. They were also thinking that the German workers would not agree to attack the “State of the workers” and that German women didn't want their country to go to war with the USSR. Wilhelm Reich and other psychoanalysts had shown this was not the way the German population was thinking. The day to remember the second world war should rather be a day of mourning and meditation about the mistakes that have been made. Stalin was thinking he was outsmarting the West and the Germans, he was only outsmarting himself !
Unfortunately, the consequences of the mistakes made by Lenin are not limited to this disaster. If one try to extend the graph about population grow before the transition to capitalism, one discover that Russia has lost between 30 and 40 millions inhabitants..., more than in the second world war!
The situation is even much worse for the economy where destructions are more important compared to WWII with the loss of around 60% of the real economy (not financial economy). It is not only the loss of industrial production but also the disappearance of whole industrial sectors (civil aviation for instance) and the lost of a whole generation of engineers, researchers in various field (like magneto-hydrodynamic). But now there is no lack of politicians, marketing managers, speculators, bankers, gangsters, etc...
Russia is now becoming more and more a country selling raw materials, energy resources and importing most of the consuming goods or producing them in factories in the hand of western corporations, more like a third world country living in dependence on the West. Until the last crisis there was not even an independent Russian banking card to pay with.
The USSR had built a very powerful army that surrendered without fighting in 1991 and has allowed western forces to come closer and closer to the heart of the country. It is now only a shadow of itself. On top of this, outside forces have created inside Russia a guerrilla that is little by little undermining the country. What the use of very powerful “hard power” if the country is left without any protection against “soft power” ? The thousands of nuclear bombs have been useless as most of the rest of the equipment. The Russian leaders have been unable to learn from the second world war. Even today they go on analyzing the situation from an “objective” point of view, taking only into account “material facts or economical motivations”. The psychological mechanisms have no place in their analysis. They again try to increase their military power but in this way they prepare a defense that does not correspond to the ground of the attack which is the manipulation of populations not with physical means but through the manipulation of the unconscious using the mechanisms discovered by psychoanalysis. Those are very serious mistakes which will have grave consequences for the future of their country. For instance they don't understand yet that words and political discussions are weapons used to get a result.
We can now see the Russian foreign minister Lavrov speaking about “our American friends or partners” when those “partners” are installing missiles and anti-missiles everywhere around Russia to be able to launch a nuclear first strike. Only this should have been sufficient to think twice...
The same circus is going on when the West is destroying Ukraine to place NATO forces there. The Russian minister is asking the Americans to curb the action of the Ukrainian government when in fact the Americans are organizing everything and leading the operations there. The russian minister has not yet understood that the rules are not the same for the other side. The smile of the American minister Kerry when meeting with Lavrov should not come as a surprise. The American must feel like an adult talking to a child who is still believing in fairy tales. He must find amusing his conversations with a Russian minister who still believe that his words could change anything in the real world..
The speeches of the Russian prime minister are not much better. He claims that Russia will oppose the rebirth of nazism at the same time he was supporting Islamic extremist against Gaddafi in Libya. Those extremist are to the Islamic world exactly what nazi are to the Christian world...
From a political point of view, this gives a very disastrous image of Russia. The outside observers have to choose between a political show which is used to conceal the attempt to protect the interests of Russian oligarchs and thus, a treason of the population of the east of Ukraine or even of the Russian population or a total lack of understanding of what is going on or, worst, both. The Russian leaders act as if they didn't know that political discussions are only a way to manipulate the populations or their leaders to reach one's goal.
What about Crimea ? Well, if you think that with more than 20.000 thousands soldiers there to protect the naval base of Sebastopol, the American leaders didn't know that the Russians would not leave, you are dreaming! The American objective was to prevent the East and South of Ukraine to join Russia. To reach this goal they have immediately started to accuse Russia of wanting to take over those regions. As anticipated, the Russian leaders have done everything to try to justify themselves to the West -(why ? If not because of psychological mechanisms they don't want to know about?)- and to show they didn't want those regions to join Russia... Children's play! Asking for a delay in the referendum, the Russian side has even tried to disrupt the process by which three eastern regions where trying to unite and create a powerful entity able to resist Kiev
To avoid a direct conflict with the West ? Like the second world war ? The same type of analysis will have the same effect ! The Russian leaders think that a nuclear war is not possible because, even without a Russian reaction, the effects of a nuclear attack on Russia would have a devastating impact on the US. If they had an idea of the psychological mechanisms of the psychopaths that are leading from behind they would understand that those individuals don't care at all if 90% of the world population disappear, as long as they stay in power!
May be it would useful to explain what are the psychological mechanisms that drive an individual to try to dominate the world around him ?
When an individual is confronted to a situation where he has to fear something that is difficult for him to handle, the result may be that a part of what he feels may be repressed into the unconscious. Those fears are much worse when they are created by a conflict between the instinct of survival and the instinct of reproduction, usually because of difficult relations between men and women and their consequences, unstable relations between children and parents.
Any situation that may bring back those fears will be a powerful source of anxiety. As something in the outside world cannot be repressed in the unconscious, a person will try to avoid this kind of situation or try to act in such a way as to prevent this situation to happen. To achieve this result, this person will try to get as much power as possible to be able to control the world around her.
On top of that, an other way to appease the fears that are hidden deep in the unconscious is to transfer them on something (can be people!) in the outside world. This give the individual the feeling that by destroying this “something” he will at last find the peace. It is of course false, but that can be the way the person feels it. It is a very basic explanation but should be sufficient to get an idea of this problem. More info by reading books about psychoanalysis.
At least, this should be enough to understand that trying to discuss with this individual about this “something” in a logical way is totally useless and only serve to give him the impression that he may go on attacking the object of the transfer.
Since the reason behind the action is a kind of way to escape from anxiety (fears repressed in the unconscious), the only way to put an end to the action is to make this person feel that by doing so he will have to fear more troubles. Facing an opposing fear, the individual will try to find an other way to solve his anxiety. One should not forget that the origin of this kind of action (fascism) is the incapacity to face the anxiety hidden deep inside the unconscious. As those individuals try to appease their fear, they don't want to face an other type of fear. The utmost violence used by those individuals may be compared to the high level of fear they have inside them. In some way they are cowards, afraid of their own “inside fears”, they are just running away from their own unconscious. Trying to appease them or discuss with them in a logical way is the worst solution. In this context, it is most likely that the dissuasive capacity of Iran is greater than the one of Russia.
If the Americans are using this kind of psychological mechanisms, does it mean they are far ahead of other countries? Well, not exactly! They do have a wide knowledge about how those psychological mechanisms can be used in a very destructive way, but they don't have a thorough knowledge of psychoanalysis because, for this, one needs first to face his own unconscious. By the way this is the reason why many people do not want to accept psychoanalysis as a science, because you first have to apply it to yourself, you first have to challenge your own fears!!
Thus the American services are fairly able to create a destructive psychological environment but they are not able to really understand the long term consequences. In the end this will backfire on them. As they analyze those mechanisms according to how they work in the western civilization, they are far less successful against asian civilization.
The forces that want to control the world try to weaken Russia from the inside, mostly by manipulating the unconscious, until it will be possible to launch a nuclear first strike without large Russian reaction. What is most amazing is that Russians are constantly trying to justify themselves to the West where the leading forces want to conquer and destroy them. This is a very obvious sign of the psychological mechanisms of the unconscious in their own society.
By not accepting the discoveries of psychoanalysis, the Russian communist party has open the door to the largest manipulations of the populations in the countries it was controlling. By underlining the fact there won't be any winner in a nuclear war, they give the impression that they will hesitate to react to a nuclear attack. The Americans believe that if they can start such an attack from regions close to Russia, those hesitations will take enough time for the American nuclear bombs to explode before Russian leaders give the order to launch their missiles.
Putin is not better than Stalin. By asking the Eastern part of Ukraine to delay their referendum, he succeeded in keeping the region of Kharkov from moving away with two other regions. Instead of working for the Eastern republics, this powerful industrial part of Ukraine is now working for Kiev, not only working for a pro-Nazi government but also for the enemies of Russia.
This choice made by Putin has probably its origin in the pressure applied by the Russian oligarchs who are under threat by the West and might loose their wealth (money created out of thin air by the western central banks!). But it might be too because they understood it is not only a revolt against Kiev, it is also a kind of revolution against the Ukrainian oligarchs. Would this succeed, it may give some ideas to the Russian population... By the way, the lack of reaction during the “Maidan” events in Kiev is highly suspect! It is very unlikely the Russian secret services didn't know what was going on. Why they didn't take any action to thwart this evolution? Because they knew a kind of popular revolution was in the offing? The events in Kiev were a way to neutralize it? Time will tell...
Promoting the creation of the wealth of the oligarch by the West was a way to mine Russia from the inside, exactly like it was done in Libya, Ukraine and many other countries.
Which way things will go from here??
The constant back-tracking of Russia will make it easier for the western leaders to promote a policy with the aim of domination on this country and the world. In the West a large part of the population tend to follow the leader that appears to be the strongest. In the rest of the world, Russia will appear as a weak, corrupted and unreliable country. This was already the case following the way Medvedev choose to side with the aggressors against Libya and refused to deliver the S300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran.
In fact the Russian leaders are again working with the forces that want to destroy them. It means self-destructing psychological mechanisms are very strong inside Russian culture. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, this has to be linked to predominance of the emotions in the education. Where does it come from? From a problem in the relations between men an women, from a disconnection between the place of women in the society and their biological instincts. Consequences of this are difficult relations between children and parents, children and adults, a high number of divorces, of children left behind.
Russian keep on linking words with emotions like “The people of Europe want peace”, “European women will not accept a war with Russia”, “Russia does not want war with the West”. Why not Alice in Wonderland? Just as if words had some power by themselves... They don't understand that the power of those words stops with their emotions and has no effect whatsoever in the West!
We must expect very fierce fighting in Ukraine that will have a major impact on the Russian population. One must also expect a wider guerrilla war on Russian soil, until the day those guerrillas will use tactical nuclear weapons. What will the Russian army do? Use nuclear weapons against their own territory ? It is not even excluded that the new Ukrainian administration will build nuclear weapons. Would this be the case, the USA wouldn't find it difficult to start a nuclear war between Russia and Ukraine.
Today Russia is a house of cards just like the West. The only difference is that instead of channeling the aggression against the outside world, Russia is self destructing. Short of a popular revolution, the only way to survive for that country is to forge an alliance with China. Otherwise the country will implode and, fed up with the way the European part of the country mismanage the place, the eastern part will move closer to China, Siberia would go back to Asia as that what the case for thousands of years. Russia would then be reduced to the European part of it, devastated by war. CIESINT Published on 2014-07-13 Read by 14083 Translated on 2014-11-13
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