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China develops harmless treatment method of blue algae

China develops harmless treatment method of blue algae
--- Xinhua - 2020-02-02


Researchers develop low-cost, hand-powered water disinfection system

Researchers develop low-cost, hand-powered water disinfection system
--- Xinhua - 2019-07-21


Scientists in China invent new material to clean up oil spills

Scientists in China invent new material to clean up oil spills
--- RT Russia Today - 2019-07-03


Chinese scientists develop nanomaterial to remove diesel fuel from water and soil

Chinese scientists develop nanomaterial to remove diesel fuel from water and soil
--- Xinhua - 2019-06-26


Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation
Milankovitch Cycle
--- / Youtube - 2019-02-16


El Nino - La Nina

El Nino - La Nina
--- Youtube - 2019-02-16


Earth's motion around the Sun, not as simple as I thought

Earth's motion around the Sun, not as simple as I thought
--- Youtube - 2019-02-16


Termites can help reduce impact of drought: study

Termites can help reduce impact of drought: study
--- Xinhua - 2019-01-10


Across China: Researchers convert black dust into rich soil

Across China: Researchers convert black dust into rich soil
--- Xinhua - 2018-08-20


Artificial floating island set for water purification in east, southwest China

Artificial floating island set for water purification in east, southwest China
--- Xinhua - 2018-07-24


Simple magnets help repel sharks at fish traps, increase catch

Simple magnets help repel sharks at fish traps, increase catch
--- Xinhua - 2018-07-24


Chinese researchers use new material to clean water

Chinese researchers use new material to clean water
--- Xinhua - 2018-05-28


Ancient, Sun-Powered Tech for Perfect Water

Ancient, Sun-Powered Tech for Perfect Water
--- FNA - 2018-05-05


Low-cost hybrid material created for reducing water, air pollution

Low-cost hybrid material created for reducing water, air pollution
--- Xinhua - 2018-04-03


Chinese researchers develop material to absorb heavy metals

Chinese researchers develop material to absorb heavy metals
--- Xinhua - 2018-04-03



HowHow The Sahara Desert Was Made - It Used To Be Green - Full Documentary

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